A.R.E. Advocacy and Services

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  • Constituents’ update on legislation that will affect LGBTQIA2S+ older adults.

  • Core of LGBTQIA2S+ volunteers to work with the Office of Long Term Care Ombudsman.

  • Education and training for providers of elder services around the state.

  • Engagement in policy matters and legislation affecting older LGBTQIA2S+ adults.

  • Inclusion of LGBTQIA2S+ older adults in Identity trainings and education.

  • LGBTQ+ older adults volunteer opportunities with the Special Olympics facility.

  • Monthly email newsletter or hard copy to subscribers. There is no cost, simply sign up with an email or phone call.

  • Monthly support group for LGBTQIA2S+ older adults in outlying areas via ZOOM and phone.

  • Outreach program to isolated LGBTQIA2S+ older adults.

  • Facebook page.

  • Articles and calendars in the Senior Voice.

  • Aid in accessing legal protection.